2022-01-29 17:22:18 +01:00
# Giants
2022-01-29 13:57:02 +01:00
2024-09-22 11:05:05 +02:00
This plugin adds naturally spawning Giants with AI to your Minecraft server.
2024-10-27 14:42:50 +01:00
### Signing
Public key goes into `resources/verifies_downloaded_jars.pem`
A test (and default) keystore is provided:
- keystore: `testkeystore`
- storepass: `123456`
- alias: `testkey`
When using `mvn`, override with `-Djarsigner.`
mvn clean package -Djarsigner.keystore=/home/user/mykeystore.jks -Djarsigner.alias=mykey
To create a keystore and export public key:
keytool -keystore testkeystore2.jks -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias testkey -validity 999999
keytool -exportcert -alias testkey -keystore testkeystore2.jks -file cert.cer -rfc
openssl x509 -inform pem -in cert.cer -pubkey -noout > public_key.pem