# If disabled, the giant won't move (but it will still attack)
ai: true
# 0.5 is half a heart
attackDamage: 1.0
# Spawning chance, from 0 to 1
chance: 0.02
# Attack delay in ticks, smaller values will lag the server more
hitDelay: 20
# 0 - attack only entities touching the giant, if too high the giant will hit through walls
attackReach: 2
# Additional potion effects
# type:amplifier (max 255)
# See https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# Set to [] to disable
effects: []
#  - "JUMP:1"
#  - "HEALTH_BOOST:69"
# Head rotations, disabling can slightly improve performance
headRotations: true
refreshDelay: 20
# No need to change this
expandUp: 0
attack: true