from typing import Dict from os import walk, makedirs from os.path import isdir, join, exists from shutil import copytree from article import read_article_file, site_from_json from json import loads def compile(work_directory: str, template_directory: str=None, target_directory: str=None, force: bool=False): if not isdir(work_directory): raise FileNotFoundError("One or more of the directories you specified do not exist") if template_directory is None: template_directory = join(work_directory, 'template') if not isdir(template_directory): raise FileNotFoundError("Template doesn't exist. Add one to your project or specify one with -t") if target_directory is None: target_directory = join(work_directory, 'generated_out') if exists(target_directory) and not force: raise FileExistsError(target_directory + " already exists. Delete it, specify a different one with -o, or pass the -f flag to merge") copytree(join(template_directory, 'static'), join(target_directory, 'static'), dirs_exist_ok=True) copytree(join(work_directory, 'posts'), join(target_directory, 'post'), dirs_exist_ok=True) file = open(join(template_directory, 'post.html')) post_template = file.close() file = open(join(work_directory, 'config.json')) site = site = site_from_json(loads(site)) file.close() for root, dirs, files in walk(join(target_directory, 'post')): for fn in files: if fn.endswith('.html'): file = open(join(root, fn), 'r+') article = read_article_file(file) content = process_html(post_template, { 'site_name':, 'site_url': site.url, 'title': article.title, 'summary': article.summary, 'content': article.content }) file.write(content) file.close() def process_html(content: str, variables: Dict[str, str]) -> str: for k, v in variables.items(): content = replace_variable(content, k, v) return content def replace_variable(content: str, var: str, val: str) -> str: return content.replace('{{ ' + var + ' }}', val)