
131 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
var map = L.map('map', {
minZoom: 5,
maxZoom: 10
}).setView([50,18], 5);
L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.thunderforest.com/spinal-map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}', {
attribution: '&copy; <a href="http://www.thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>, &copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
apikey: 'db5ae1f5778a448ca662554581f283c5',
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
var de1t = [50.085448739143715, 8.461733038044116];
// title, hostname, popup, location
var nodes = {
pl1: {
location: [52.1904441909767, 20.922122237417636],
city: "Warsaw, Poland",
hostname: "pl1.420129.xyz",
datacenter: "equinix wa3",
description: "",
publicKey: "v854+5m4Diqh8oGo6/sGVS7LELsreIjMujkWqwc6bWo=",
linkLocal: "fe80::129:3"
de1: {
location: [49.44951340282083, 11.014075123186862],
city: "Nuremberg, Germany",
hostname: "de1.420129.xyz",
datacenter: "hetzner nbg",
description: "Tunneled to Frankfurt. If you have a node here at hetzner nuremberg, it will go nbg -> fra -> nbg.",
publicKey: "N9rGceoiFcc/obnHrqMAmVlrb/E2Br55+doekTKwNF8=",
linkLocal: "fe80::129:2"
nl1: {
location: [52.36679746122722, 4.891598348592709],
city: "Amsterdam, Netherlands",
hostname: "nl1.420129.xyz",
datacenter: "scaleway AMS-1",
description: "I don't know where exactly",
publicKey: "iZfLBtF6BiQvdKXx4Yl02u+OL6ls35gSpWCRmB9q4lU=",
linkLocal: "fe80::129:1"
it1: {
location: [41.66806722233489, 12.503981281868477],
city: "Rome, Italy",
hostname: "it1.420129.xyz",
datacenter: "c1vhosting?",
description: "Location also approximate, there's no evidence of the existence of the data center",
publicKey: "",
linkLocal: "fe80::129:4"
2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
function line(from, to, popup) {
L.polyline([from, to], {opacity: 0.5}).addTo(map).bindPopup(popup);
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
var opened = null;
const sidebarContent = document.getElementById("sidebarContent");
2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
const nodesElement = document.getElementById("nodes");
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
sidebarContent.onclick = (ev) => {
if (opened == null) return;
const popup = opened[0];
const rect = opened[1].getBoundingClientRect();
popup.style.height = rect.height - 20 + 'px';
popup.style.transform = 'none';
nodesElement.style.opacity = 1;
opened = null;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
function onNodeClick(ev, node, elem) {
if (opened != null) return;
const rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
nodesElement.style.opacity = 0;
ele = elem.cloneNode(true);
ele.innerHTML += `<br><br>Datacenter: <span class="code">${node.datacenter}</span><br>${node.description.split('\n').slice(1).join('\n')}`;
ele.onclick = (ev) => {ev.stopPropagation()};
ele.style.width = rect.width - 40 + 'px'; // padding or margin
ele.style.height = rect.height - 20 + 'px';
ele.style.top = rect.top - 10 + 'px';
//ele.style.left = rect.left - 10 + 'px';
const destY = 72 - rect.top; // window.innerHeight / 4
ele.style.transform = `translateY(${destY}px)`;
ele.style.height = window.innerHeight / 3 + 'px';
opened = [ele, elem];
for (let node of Object.values(nodes)) {
let marker = L.marker(node.location).addTo(map).bindPopup(`<strong>${node.city}</strong><br>DC: ${node.datacenter}`);
2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
let ele = document.createElement("div");
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
ele.innerHTML = `<strong>${node.city}</strong>`;
if (node.description != '') ele.innerHTML += `<br><small>${node.description.split('\n')[0]}</small>`;
ele.onclick = (ev) => {
2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
map.panTo(node.location, {
2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
padding: [1000, 1000]
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
onNodeClick(ev, node, ele);
2024-10-09 15:46:26 +02:00
2024-10-10 18:12:40 +02:00
line(nodes.de1.location, de1t, "Tunnel (already included in other labels)<br><strong>4ms</strong>");
line(de1t, nodes.pl1.location, "de1 - pl1<br><strong>24ms</strong>");
line(de1t, nodes.nl1.location, "de1 - nl1<br><strong>10ms</strong>");
line(nodes.nl1.location, nodes.it1.location, "it1 - nl1<br><strong>25ms</strong>");