var map ='map', { minZoom: 5, maxZoom: 10 }).setView([50,18], 5); L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}', { attribution: '© Thunderforest, © OpenStreetMap contributors', apikey: 'db5ae1f5778a448ca662554581f283c5', }).addTo(map); var pl1 = [52.1904441909767, 20.922122237417636]; var de1a = [49.44951340282083, 11.014075123186862]; var de1 = [50.085448739143715, 8.461733038044116]; var nl1 = [52.36679746122722, 4.891598348592709]; var it1 = [41.66806722233489, 12.503981281868477]; // title, popup, location var nodes = [ ["Warsaw, Poland", "pl1 at equinix wa3", pl1], ["Nuremberg, Germany", "de1 at hetzner nbg
Tunneled to Frankfurt. If you have a node here at hetzner nuremberg, it will go nbg -> fra -> nbg.", de1a], ["Amsterdam, Netherlands", "nl1 at scaleway
I don't know where exactly", nl1], ["Rome, Italy", "it1 at c1vhosting
I also don't know where exactly, but there's no evidence of the existence of the data center", it1] ] function line(from, to, popup) { L.polyline([from, to], {opacity: 0.5}).addTo(map).bindPopup(popup); } const nodesElement = document.getElementById("nodes"); for (let node of nodes) { let marker = L.marker(node[2]).addTo(map).bindPopup(node[1]); let ele = document.createElement("div"); ele.innerText = node[0]; ele.onclick = () => { marker.openPopup(); map.panTo(node[2], { padding: [1000, 1000] }); }; nodesElement.appendChild(ele); } line(de1, de1a, "4ms"); line(de1, pl1, "24ms"); line(de1, nl1, "10ms"); line(nl1, it1, "25ms");