# realweather differences compared to v0: - no geoip mode, I think it doesn't fit as it's only cosmetical - as such, renamed modes: * `point` -> `static` * `globe` -> `dynamic` * usually there's just a boolean for dynamic - I wanted to do this even before this plugin: \ lightning ⚡ in real time * if static, only time synced, random position \ probably within some radius from the static point * if dynamic, position is also synced - commands, finally! TODO (no order): - static mode for lightning - extensible: api (partially there) - airplanes? https://opensky-network.org/ - more api providers, multiple api keys - snow - lightning effects - weather levels \ it's not like there's strong rain or there's no rain \ I'm not sure how yet - sunrise sunset - track the above in issues ### Building To compile, clone this repo and `mvn clean package`. \ JAR will be in `target/`. Use the one without `original-`. \ By default, it's signed with the test key. #### Signing A test (and default) keystore is provided: - keystore: `testkeystore` - storepass: `123456` - alias: `testkey` You can override this by using `-Djarsigner.` arguments while compiling. ### v0 Source for v0 is available [on branch 0.x](/Minecon724/realweather/src/branch/0.x) \ There's also [branch 0.5](/Minecon724/realweather/src/branch/0.5-fix) which is the last v0 stable release