This is alpha software, so it's likely something won't work properly. \ Please report all suspicious behavior. You can do so on any of those: - - - --- # tweaks724 Stuff no<sub><sup>t many</sup></sub> other plugins do. Dependencies: - **1.21.1** this is mandatory as the plugin uses NMS for some stuff - [ProtocolLib]( (optional, but you lose a lot) # Features Those with <sup>P</sup> need ProtocolLib ### World border <sup><sup><sub>P</sub></sup></sup> Hides the world border. It's still there, just invisible. ### Server brand <sup><sup><sub>P</sub></sup></sup> Modify the F3 brand, optionally include player's ping and server performance ### Doors Open two doors with one click. Knock on doors. ### MOTD <sup><sup><sub>P</sub></sup></sup> Random MOTD for every ping ### Chat rooms Chat rooms players can freely create and join. Alerts like death and join messages are only within the player's chat room. ### Compass Holding a compass shows a bar with 4 directions and stuff like beds, lodestones, death pos (TODO) etc. ### Pomodoro Self-discipline with a pomodoro timer that's actually forced ### Updater Updates ALL* your plugins \ <sub>*Those on SpigotMC and that release updates there</sub> ### Hardcore <sup><sup><sub>P</sub></sup></sup> Hardcore hearts by chance ### Sleep Sleeping doesn't skip night, but speeds it up. The more players, the faster it goes. ### Instant sleep One can instantly skip, but only a part of the night. \ There's 5 players on the server. A night is 10 minutes long. \ Each player can instantly skip 2 minutes of the night at any time, even if others aren't sleeping # Commands ### /chat Changes chatroom ### /chatmanage `tweaks724.chatmanage` \ Manages chatroom, like create, delete etc. ### /ping Displays your ping. \ **Ping is calculated by the plugin**. \ That allows for more precision (decimal places) and to get the ping immediately after a player join ### /pomodoro `tweaks724.pomodoro` \ Manage your pomodoro. `/pom start` to start, `stop` to stop, no arguments to forward