N"flops_per_dphtotal": "float", // total_flops divided by dph_total
"geolocation": "str", // formatted as City, CC
N"gpu_display_active": "bool",
"gpu_frac": "float", // percentage of system ram available to instance
"gpu_lanes": "int", // pcie gpu lanes
"gpu_mem_bw": "float", // vram bandwidth in GB/s
"gpu_name": "str", // the gpu name
"gpu_ram": "int", // vram in MB
N"has_avx": "int", // if the cpu has avx which is almost always
"host_id": "int", // host's id
"hosting_type": "int", // 0 normal, 1 datacenter
"inet_down": "float", // download speed in Mbps
"inet_down_cost": "float", // cost of 1 GB of download (on site it shows TB as 1024)
"inet_up": "float", // upload speed in Mbps
"inet_up_cost": "float", // cost of 1 GB of upload (on site it shows TB as 1024)
"is_bid": "bool", // if you're bidding this instance, always false in marketplace (or not?)
N"logo": "str", // the logo, displayed on the website on the left side, it's constant now but I remember it being different for some machines
"machine_id": "int", // self explanatory
"min_bid": "float", // the minimum bid you can make, as dph. website shows more I don't know why
"mobo_name": "str", // motherboard name, like disk name doesn't always make sense
"num_gpus": "int", // self explanatory
N"os_version": "str", // ubuntu version running on the machine
"pci_gen": "float", // pcie version
"pcie_bw": "float", // pcie bandwidth in GB/s
"public_ipaddr": "str", // public ip address of the machine
"rentable": "bool", // is the machine available for rental
N"score": "float",
"start_date": "float", // unix seconds, since when the instance is available for rental (or is rented if rented by you), at least I think because it's recent and unavailable machines don't have that
"static_ip": "bool", // self explanatory but not sure if matters