#!/bin/bash source ./variables echo "Installing dependencides... Please stay for a second, you will confirm the install" apt update apt install sudo wireguard-tools echo "Setting up user..." useradd -m -s /bin/bash $USERNAME echo "Configuring WireGuard..." WG_SUBNET="fc$(openssl rand -hex 1):$(openssl rand -hex 2):$(openssl rand -hex 2):$(openssl rand -hex 2)" WG_LISTEN_PORT=$(shuf -i 49152-65535 -n 1) WG_LOCAL_PRIVKEY=$(wg genkey) WG_LOCAL_PUBKEY=$(echo $WG_LOCAL_PRIVKEY | wg pubkey) cat < /etc/wireguard/vmh-ssh-vpn.conf [Interface] ListenPort = $WG_LISTEN_PORT PrivateKey = $WG_LOCAL_PRIVKEY Address = $WG_SUBNET::1/64 [Peer] PublicKey = $WIREGUARD_PUBKEY AllowedIPs = $WG_SUBNET::2/128 EOF systemctl enable --now wg-quick@vmh-ssh-vpn echo "Configuring ssh..." mkdir /home/$USERNAME/.ssh echo $MY_SSH_KEY > /home/$USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys cat < /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/10-vmh_ssh.conf X11Forwarding no PasswordAuthentication no PubkeyAuthentication yes PermitRootLogin no ListenAddress $WG_SUBNET::1 EOF mkdir /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service.d cat < /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service.d/10-vmh-listen.conf [Unit] After=wg-quick@vmh-ssh-vpn.service EOF systemctl restart sshd echo "Configuring sudo..." cat < /etc/sudoers.d/99-vmh-newuser $USERNAME ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL EOF echo echo "BEFORE DISCONNECTING, FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS" echo "You won't be able to reconnect if you don't." echo echo "1. Install the WireGuard config (fill in the gaps)" echo echo "[Interface]" echo "PrivateKey = ..." echo "Address = $WG_SUBNET::2/64" echo "[Peer]" echo "Endpoint = ...:$WG_LISTEN_PORT" echo "PublicKey = $WG_LOCAL_PUBKEY" echo "AllowedIPs = $WG_SUBNET::1/128" echo echo "2. Use this command to connect" echo echo "ssh $USERNAME@$WG_SUBNET::1" echo echo "NOTICE:" echo "If you need to change the port or other VPN settings, do it NOW. Edit /etc/wireguard/vmh-ssh-vpn.conf"